Mindset Strategies for Dealing with a Back Injury

I know firsthand that the mental effects of a back injury can be just as, if not more, difficult to manage than the physical ones. And for people like us – active individuals, fitness enthusiasts, athletes – it’s particularly difficult to cope with a physical setback because (I’ll just say it straight…), we literally have NO idea what to do with ourselves if we can’t do. Trust me I get it…I’ve been there.

From questions about my identity, to plaguing anxiety that I would never return to my pre-injury self (and that my friends and family would desert me because of it), my emotions had officially spiraled of control. Truth be told, I knew if I didn’t get my Sh***it together sooner than later, I was well on my way to the depths of a deep depression that would be hard to crawl out of (especially given the fact my family’s history with mental illness was not on my side).

Luckily, I realized there are actually some pretty simple ways to overcome the mental barriers that active individuals can experience alongside an injury. Here are some of my favorites:

Develop Your Spiritual Muscles

I personally believe that God is in control, and nothing (I repeat: NOTHING) can stop the plan he has for our lives. Therefore, I truly believe my back injury was all part of His master plan for my life. And whatever setback you’re dealing with right now, it’s part of God’s plan for you, too. And hey, if you don’t believe in God, than it’s part of the universe’s plan for you…or part of your own higher purpose in life…but whatever you believe your plan comes from, it’s important to start making sense of the ‘madness’ that is from a higher power’s perspective.

That something is going on that bigger than yourself. That things are in motion. That this is really a SET UP, instead of a set back (ha, thank you Pastor Joel Osteen for that fun phrase!). Now that you’re in a position where you can’t strengthen your physical muscles, NOW is the time to strengthen your spiritual muscles instead.

A great way to get started is clueing into nudges, clues, and “signs” if you will, that encourage you on your spiritual journey. I am an extremely intuitive person, but until I started to develop my spiritual practice, I never noticed the strange “coincidences” that were pointing me deeper into my path. Then, once I opened my eyes (and my heart), these messages were lurking everywhere (literally – I was starting to think I was nuts lol).

But for you, it may be something as simple as having three different people recommend the same chiropractor, or connecting with an encouraging, like-minded person with exactly the same injury through a seemingly random occurrence at a coffee shop (but it was JUST what you needed at that very moment).

Regardless of where your spiritual path is leading you, stay open and aware, and you will begin to feel subtle course dictations (and corrections) as you continue to embark on your course to healing.

Get Focused (On Other Things)

Now is the time to do the stuff you always said you would. We all have things we say we want to do but life has a habit of getting in the way! Whether this is reading more, learning how to play an instrument, or even attending a paint night with a friend, now is a great time use this time to focus on that (non-active) thing that’s been on your mind for years!

If you are one who enjoys having something to look forward to (who doesn’t?!) than now is also a great time to focus on planning your next adventure.

While it may feel like you will never be physically able to do the activities you love again, you will. What are some things you have yet to discover? What or where have you always said you wanted to do/visit? Start planning and researching, read blogs, go on Youtube, do whatever it is you need to do to get yourself excited about the possibilities of the future.

However, I recommend not attaching any dates to these plans since healing is not always a predictable or linear process – this is not an exercise that is meant to put unwanted pressure on yourself and cause further stress, but is more to entice a forward-thinking, positive attitude toward the future. A future YOU WILL realize when you are better.

I hope you found these coping strategies to be helpful! Remember, there is evidence out there that we can come back both physically AND mentally stronger post-injury. So stay focused on the recovery process, maintain a positive and grateful spirit, and most importantly, have a little faith (all you need is a mustard seed, after all) that it will all work out for the best. You will come out of the other side of this injury, healthier and stronger than you’ve ever been. Now all you need to do is believe it.

You’ve got this, and I’ve got your back (no pun intended)!
